
Drew (the obvious hub) and I are SO thrilled and excited to announce the coming addition to our family through adoption! We opened the conversation of adoption in our dating relationship back in 2005, and through a series of events recently, the Lord has made it ever-so-clear to us that now is the time! We started the process in April of 2012 and are plunging forward in faith to find our little guy :)

We 'requested' a little boy from the age of 0-1 from Ethiopia!!

Why a boy? Boys are the least adopted from Ethiopia and the most poorly treated in the orphanages. While girls are bottle fed in another's arms, boys have to feed themselves. Girls get held, boys do not. As you can see, the need for adopting boys is high, and we can't stand the thought of that- so, boy it is!

Why 0-1? Well, as y'all know, Drew and I have only had the privilege of parenting Nordy, our 6 pound weenie dog, and we understand that our understanding of parenting is very, very tiny ;) So we figure, the younger the better :)

Why Ethiopia? A lot of people have asked this question, "Why not adopt here in the states?" Well, we're not at all against domestic adoption, whatsoever...in fact we might want to some day. We were just exposed to some staggering statistics that made the decision for us. One in six children die before their 5th birthday. 60% of children are stunted due to malnutrition. Of Ethiopian orphans- 10% commit suicide, 40% become incarcerated, and 40% go into prostitution. Things like this kept whispering in our hearts that Ethiopia was fit for us.

Miles? Drew came home one day after we had already started the process, giddy as heck. He ran to me and was like, 'baaaaaaabe, can we name him Miles?' I understood where he was going with that...'Because he's so many Miles away?' and Drew's smile grew ear to ear, I almost thought it was going to hurdle outside of his head...Miles it is; 9,000 to be exact.

Biological children? A lot of people have asked us about this too, and we welcome the question. "Why aren't you going to have kids of your own?" Well for starters, technically, Miles will be of our own. But additionally, yeah, we do have plans of growing our family by both adoption and biological means! But, at this point,we know God is calling us to adopt.

We're excited to embark on this journey together- with all of you! We know you're reading because you care. You care for us, for him, and for the greater good!

How can you help?

1.) Please pray- Pray for Miles; his health, his care, his protection. Pray for his mom; her comfort, and her safety- we know that she is a mighty woman, full of a great love that chooses the better for her sweet son, and we'll forever be grateful to her. Pray for his dad- often times fathers aren't involved, but pray that he is, and that he treats Miles and his mommy with dignity and respect, and that he provides for them. And please, pray for us, for our hearts as this can be a good two year process, pray for our minds to remain focused, and pray for our finances, it's a good $30,000-$35,000 cost to get Miles home, and we're faithful that through our saving, and the hearts of others, that this will come :)

2.) Buy a puzzle piece! You can see how to do this on our Puzzle Sponsorship tab :)

3.) Follow our blog! :) And check in on us occasionally :)


  1. Sweet Teag, I have tears as I read this! You and Drew have so much love to offer this little guy. I'll be praying for Miles, for his biological parents, and for you and Drew as this process unfolds. Love you!

  2. Teagan,
    I know I don't know you well but I was reading what your mom wrote on facebook and she linked your blog here. Soooo excited for you about your adoption of Miles! So proud of you too! What a precious gift to draw a little one into your heart and family. And what a shining example of the Father's love as He adopts us into His family and calls us sons and daughters as well. Bless you both through this journey. Praying!
    love Christy Edge

  3. Teagan, we have never met, but I have fond memories of your hubby working the "tape table" at HDC for many years, and observing Drew work with his dad in the yard or washing the car as I would pass the Mercer home on the way to my mother's house. I "stumbled" on this blog and I am teary eyed thinking about the journey you are embarking on. Every child is a blessing, no doubt, but as a mother of an adopted daugther I know the realm of emotion that the process brings. My prayers will be with you through the journey, that you will be able to stay focused on the many blessings that Miles will bring to you two, and you to him; especially when the process starts to weigh on you. Enjoy each step along the way and watch as you see the hand of God move! BTW, I love the puzzle idea...so creative, so inspiring, and an awesome testimony of the Lord's faithfulness to hold on to for the future. We have added you to our prayer list, Shelley, Ed & Faith Ramsey
