Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Resounding YES!

I'm SO sorry. I have great intentions with this blog, but woofta... I'm terrible at it! I'm going to try and set reasonable goals of updating this once a month. Do-able, right? Perhaps less daunting? We'll see how it goes!

A lot of people have been asking if we are still adopting our sweet Miles... Y.E.S. Yes we are! Here's a letter we sent to all of our supporters last January...

Dear Miles Support Team,

Hi! We hope this email finds each of you doing well! We wanted to send a little Mercer Family update as far as our sweet Miles is concerned. Many of you know we brought home a precious little boy, Ace Bruin Mercer, home in October of last year. He's now exactly 7 months old [time sure does fly]! Some of you have asked us since having Ace if we're still anticipating Miles, and the answer is a resounding YES! Knowing how deep this love for a child aches only makes us more excited to get Miles home. 

Our dossier was officially received by Ethiopia on September 27, 2013, and our concurrent family building paperwork was sent over this January. Concurrent Family Building is basically the update of our dossier with Ace's information. In sum, we're waiting for a referral. A referral is an email or call with a child's name, picture, and brief (1-2 sentence) summary. We don't expect receiving a referral for at least another year as the current wait time after submitting the dossier is running about 36 months. Sadly, this would mean, we don't expect to hear about our little guy until the fall of 2016. And so, the waiting continues... feels like f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

Some people have asked about Ethiopian adoption in general. There was a scare through winter that Ethiopia might be closing its international borders as it relates to adoption. The reason they were considering to close its borders was due to the terrible state of the drug and sex trade with orphans.
We were praying that God would favor the best interest of those helpless children... and thankfully, the board decided to keep borders open! We're hoping and praying it stays that way, because domestically the country of Ethiopia cannot care for the large amount of orphans. Please pray with us. 

All that to say, our hearts are still with our son (maybe two children) over there, and we won't consider our family today complete until he's home with us, and little/big (?) brother. Please keep praying for our Mr. Miles Mercer. Boy do we love him. 

We love each of you, and are still so humbled and flabbergasted by your overflowing love and support. Please. Keep. Praying. 

Drew and Teagan

And, just because... here's our family anthem as we wait. 

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