Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Long Process Remedies

Drew and I talk about Miles daily...we wonder if he's born yet, if he's not, what his mom and dad are doing and going through, we wonder what he'll look like...and we wish, SO BADLY he was in our home already! In prepping for a very long journey (like, 2 years)...we try to remain focused in a few ways.

1. Prayer :) We pray for our little guy daily, million times a day-kinda-daily. Before we go to bed, before we eat, when we're driving, when we're thinking, etc. And, in turn, we've found it to be such a blessing to us to be praying for other adoptive families going on this journey with us, before us, and after us.

2. Reading! Reading books, blogs, magazines, articles, research etc. I'll have to post my favorite books and blogs so far {obviously pre-bringing Miles home, Lord knows I haven't put much to test so far}

3. Enjoy more date nights! We're trying to live up our current state of kidless-ness (totally not a word, but hey! you're picking up what we're putting down right?)

4. We look for inspirational stories, and videos!

Here's the backstory on our favorite family video!

Believe it or not, but these two kids (Hannah and Joseph) were incarcerated in Uganda for street begging, after being abandoned by their parents. They're home now :) And their mom says, "Hannah & Joseph have blessed our family IMMENSLEY and they’ve rescued us way more than we could have ever rescued them."
(Film by Michael Lines ; Photography by Griffin Gibson ; Music: All Things New by

Right? Instant remedy, and tears...every.single.time.


  1. time you post something of this nature...a "tear warning" near the top in BIGGER letters would be so appreciated. Going to re-apply the eye makeup now. <3

    1. Wupps...I take full responsibility! Next time I'll be sure to caution tape around the post...cause I'm a graphic genius like that ;) xoxo

  2. Hi Teagan, Emily Kaz here. I read thisi blog:

    It's a family that has adopted 3 girls from Ethiopia and are in the process of adopting a baby boy, like you! I thought you might like to see it.

    1. Thanks, Emily! We'll be sure to look into that blog! Hope all is well for y'all :) xoxo

  3. I am thankful to be home the rest of the night, the tears won't stop falling!! We are so excited to meet our Miles. He is in our prayers multiple times a day. Most days have gone by too fast... He is the reason why I want them to move along a little more quickly. I can't wait to hold him in my arms!!!

  4. Wow! As tears are streaming down my face it makes me so much more excited for what is yet to come for you and Drew!! We are still praying your y'all each ad every day!

    1. Thanks so much, Janean! Thanks for stopping by sweet girl :)
