Thursday, June 28, 2012

Home Study Uno

Alright, alright...I know- it's been a while. We've been busy! Besides normal life being busier/crazier/more-out-of-whack than normal, we've been working hardcore on our home study & dossier. Last Tuesday we had our first Home Study (trumpet sounds)! It was successful -slash- kind of nerve racking. We met with two other adoptive families and our case worker. It was encouraging to meet with the other adoptive families for a number of reasons. Hearing how the Lord is providing for them through miraculous ways, how He's leading them so clearly, and how His purpose is manifesting in them consistently was ALL such a relief to Drew and I. One couple was adopting their second child internationally, and that was somewhat of a relief to us by way of the Agency and the process. The Home Study itself was incredibly educational. We learned SO much about our little guy. The thing that hit me the most was the psychological state of sweet Miles. Our case worker used great illustrations to show how a functional and dysfunctional need based relationship starts at birth (see below)

I found these diagrams really beneficial. The next thing that I found to be ultra informative is our sweet Miles' state of grief when we bring him home. It's been crazy because I already feel like my heart has become heavier and heavier since going down this road of getting him home. It's as if the Lord is preparing & breaking my heart to understand this sweet soul that He's going to bless us with. Our case worker reminded us that Miles will be in a state of grief when he gets home...whether that be the grief of a caretaker, a blanket, a scent, a sound, even his flavor of formula...ugggg. Right when I heard that I just wanted to run out of the room and weep. I already feel that sense of, if I get it my way...I'm going to try to bring home e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g (Crazy person coming through). Oh Lord, please protect Mr. Miles. Anyway, all in all, the meeting was informative, and made us fall even more in love with this little guy.

Afterwards we went to Baja Fresh and just chatted about our lives, our future as a family, and our guy. We kept saying over and over again...we're really doing this! We cheers'd to our sweet boy and prayed for him in the middle of baja fresh for quite some time.

So In Love.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Adoption, trendy?

One of my favorite blog writers at, Rage Against the Mini Van, highlights some feedback on the topic of adoption, particular children of color, being trendy. I can see how the transracial family image is taking place on the US & PEOPLE's of the world. Additionally, it seems that more and more people are sending me other peoples' blogs on adoption. I ask myself, is transracial family building really 'taking off' or is it one of those since I-just-bought-a car-I-now-see-the-car-everywhere sort of situations.

Here's a video of her sweet family...

And, here's what she has to say...I love what she says, spot on. Enjoy!

In favorite point of her's is:

"I think there are such better questions to ask when it comes to transracial adoption and child welfare.  I would so much rather see people questioning why black children are overrepresented in foster care and adopting waiting lists, and how many are aging out without families, and what we as a nation can do for the thousands of waiting children who won’t be adopted by a couple dozen celebrities.  As for celebrities who’ve adopted children of color, I’m thrilled that these kids have found a family, famous or not."

Have a great day!!